We Become What We Actively Pursue
If you wonder, “What should I do today? How should I fill my active time?” Start here: Guard what you allow to get into your heart. Just be kind. Think before you act. Think before you speak.
Because of Grace we Press On
If you wonder, “What should I do today? How should I fill my active time?” Start here: Guard what you allow to get into your heart. Just be kind. Think before you act. Think before you speak.
Just wondering . . . have you ever had a day when everything went right? Me either. That’s for ‘other’. Well, I take that back. Sometimes I am one of the ‘other’ people. I’ve had a lot of days when everything seemed to be OK and then there are those other days. Those days seemed … Read more
Don’t give up! Have you ever listened to someone’s story and heard these words, “Fine for you to say, but you don’t know what I’m going through here.” When we listen at heart level, we become aware of problems people are going through and they are traveling the path right beside you. We can relate … Read more
Shakespeare said, “To thine own self be true.” What happens when you are willing to do that? I’m not sure why this memory came back to me today, but about six years ago we went out riding with our motorcycle friends on a long, leisurely, calm, dry ride to dinner. Now flip what I just … Read more
For everyone on your third cup of coffee already….I hope you are in your happy place – not in the middle of a chaotic, “Where did I put my keys” kind of day. Where do those days lead? Right. Straight to a headache. Right now. . . Take a deep breath. Exhale.Right now. . . … Read more
I’ve been thinking a lot about something. A few years ago I read a book by Hyrum Smith titled The 3 Gaps. One main theme of the book was focused on how we behave, what we do each day, that proves what we believe, what our governing values are, and how we spend our time. … Read more
When I was a teenager who knew everything, adults who seemed ancient to me at age 55 or 60 kept talking about how tough marriage was. When I knew everything, I wondered why these people stayed married then. After all – if it’s so hard, just make it easy and don’t stay married. Go get … Read more