“To thine own self be true.” What happens when you are willing to do that?

Shakespeare said, “To thine own self be true.” What happens when you are willing to do that? I’m not sure why this memory came back to me today, but about six years ago we went out riding with our motorcycle friends on a long, leisurely, calm, dry ride to dinner.  Now flip what I just … Read more

Beyond Procrastination: How to Stop Postponing your Life (Book Review)

What is holding you back? Is it possible you’re delaying the greatness in your life because of hurdles and barriers?  This book, Beyond Procrastination, can help you. Your path might not be clear, but your future is waiting. Let’s get started NOW!  https://bizcatalyst360.com/beyond-procrastination-how-to-stop-postponing-your-life/