For everyone on your third cup of coffee already….I hope you are in your happy place – not in the middle of a chaotic, “Where did I put my keys” kind of day. Where do those days lead? Right. Straight to a headache.
Right now. . . Take a deep breath. Exhale.
Right now. . . Focus on something that calms your mind.
Right now. . . Turn your thoughts where your soul is happy.
Here is a bit of joy and encouragement for your day.
Do not let the enemy of your soul gain a foothold on any part of your life.
Not today. Say it. “Not today, Satan. You cannot be where I am. You are not welcome here.”
This is where you are. The day is ahead of you, not back there in
yesterday. If you had a setback don’t let it be a stayback. Turn your setback to a comeback.
Today is a gift. Open it wide. Every action starts with a thought. So, let’s
think….Think about ….. well these things.
Rejoice in the Lord always. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about
anything, pray, pray, pray.
Be thankful you can pray to God who can do anything. He gives peace that we can’t understand and can’t explain away through science or circumstance.
Pray for God to guard your heart and your mind. Remember every act was once a thought. Think right to do right.
Here is a good menu of what to think about:
– whatever is true
– whatever is noble
– whatever is right
– whatever is pure
– whatever is lovely
– whatever is admirable
– anything that is excellent or praiseworthy
Think those thoughts. Ponder them. Fill your mind so full of those thoughts
that there is no room for anything negative.
Put this into action then repeat the action until it’s your routine, your
And the God of peace will be with you.
Tomorrow is Monday everyone!
Treat yourself to joy and fill your mind with good thoughts today so your
Monday starts strong!
Scripture from Philippians 4
On Friday, Kate Motaung posts a one-word prompt at and to participate all we have to do is write our thoughts in 5 minutes. The word prompt today is WHERE.
(Sometimes it takes longer than the rules of 5-minute Friday, but today – I made it in under 5 minutes!) If you want to join us, it’s fun and there is absolutely no pressure. It’s all support and lots of good reading of posts from others in the community. Go here and click on Join the Community to get started.
This is what I needed to hear! Thank you for encouraging me today.
Thanks for taking time to read and even make a comment. You know? Life is a contact sport. We all need to fill our minds with what God says is good. I think God gave us finite minds so we could only stuff so much into them. Then he gave us choices of what to stuff our minds with.
Thanks Jane for your post, Indeed thoughts are so important. Good phrase “Every action starts with a thought.”