Where are your thoughts? Why does it matter?

For everyone on your third cup of coffee already….I hope you are in your happy place – not in the middle of a chaotic, “Where did I put my keys” kind of day. Where do those days lead? Right. Straight to a headache. Right now. . . Take a deep breath. Exhale.Right now. . . … Read more

That enticing new car scent

Would it surprise you to learn that one of the top enticing scents, when put to a vote, is ‘that new car smell’? I know. I’m skeptical too. Which segment of the population chose new car scent over cinnamon or pine, right? When I heard of that ‘tested result’ the wheels in my head started … Read more

Out of a blank mind…

I have heard that when you ask a woman what she’s thinking, and she says. “Nothing” she is, in fact thinking about what to cook for dinner, picking up the dry cleaning, returning books to the library, sending a birthday card, calling her sick friend, adding to her shopping list, and fetching the kids from … Read more

White flag that conflict

OK everybody up! Rise and shine! Good Morning!  Remember…nothing is better than this day. And you say, wait a minute. You say that every day. Right! becauset it’s true! I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately. How to have a good day….Well for one thing, turn off the TV and avoid the homepage of msn.com.  … Read more