Beyond Books: BKPedia digital subscription

What’s your favorite part of going to a Chinese restaurant? Right. The fortune cookie that sort of ties up the meal when the tiny paper message is pulled from its cracked shell. Whoever is gathered around the table reads their fortune and everyone gets to decide if it fits or if that cookie belonged on … Read more

The winning formula for making a difference

It seems football frenzy has taken over the digital network. Have you been watching any of the games? How about that game on Saturday? You know the one. Edge of the chair, nail-biting, hold-your-breath exciting. I’m not a TV watcher and not a sports fan, so there were already two strikes against the probability that I … Read more

And some were made to be followers

Maybe it’s the occupation I’m in or possibly the fact that I’m an incurable information junkie, but does it seem to you that we are overrun by media for managers, books, seminars and multi-day programs for leadership training. Conferences and seminars beckon aspiring leaders. Last week my copy of Inc Magazine came and here’s what … Read more

Take a poll and call me in the morning

Yesterday I took a poll.  At the time, I didn’t even realize it was a poll, but as the responses came in I realized how similar our situations even when our vocations and workplaces are unrelated.  First, I want to thank all my friends who weighed in on the question: Just wondering. Does anyone else … Read more