Beyond Books: BKPedia digital subscription

What’s your favorite part of going to a Chinese restaurant? Right. The fortune cookie that sort of ties up the meal when the tiny paper message is pulled from its cracked shell. Whoever is gathered around the table reads their fortune and everyone gets to decide if it fits or if that cookie belonged on … Read more

Comfort zone? What comfort zone. There is nothing comfortable here!

Remember the New Year? The one where everyone was talking about resolutions and goals – oh! And stretch goals! Those goals destined to pick you up body and soul from where you are comfortable and transplant you in a foreign zone where things are not familiar? It works great in theory. I can see the … Read more

Character: In a world of malevolence, living a life of excellence

Yesterday I went to my bookshelf and pulled off all the books I read last year and stacked them on the end of my desk. It wasn’t so I could get all bigheaded and proud of my accomplishment. I was thinking back to how my life has changed this year. It isn’t so much because … Read more