Sometimes it's hard to be thankful . . .

I’m not thankful.
There it is. Not thankful. I’m not thankful that in the beginning when God created Earth that he let sin and depravity in. But I am thankful that God gave up his only Son Jesus to die on the cross and be the remedy for sin. John 3:16
I’m not thankful for the abuse and sadness in the world, but I’m thankful for all the kindness of many individuals who come together and passionately combat all that is abuse in support of the victims.
I’m not thankful that there is incredible poverty and days are dark for so many populations, but I am thankful that no one has to suffer spiritual poverty. John 8:12 Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
I’m not thankful that I was a stubborn and selfish kid who didn’t appreciate my parents, but I am thankful that my parents loved the Lord and through his grace they loved and cared for me anyway.
I’m not thankful that I married too young and raised my children while I was a child myself, but I’m thankful that despite all my failings as a parent, my children still think I’m pretty special and include me in their lives.
I’m not thankful for illnesses that take loved ones from us before we’re ready to let go. I wasn’t ready to let my oldest daughter go, but I’m thankful that Tammie had given her heart to Jesus and when she passed from this life God welcomed her into his kingdom where her suffering ended.  I’m thankful for that.   
I’m not thankful for war that wounds everyone emotionally and physically devastates us with loss of lives. I’m not thankful that war kills innocent men and women. I am thankful that God is in control and covers all our wounds and fills our empty places until he comes back to Earth and annihilates war forever.
I’m not thankful for the many times I disappoint people and let them down, but I am thankful that in those times God sends angels to pick me up, dust me off, and give me another chance.
I’m not thankful that life is fraught with confusion and doubt, but I am thankful that Romans 8:6 says I have a choice:  The mind controlled by the sinful nature is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.
I’m not thankful that it took me so long to realize that what I put in my head, finds its way to my heart, and makes me the way I am for good or for bad. But I am thankful that in God’s divine providence he finally got through to me and gave me that insight before I was too old to act on it. Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
Today is just another day, but it is a day to live in the “Splendor of God’s holiness” Psalm 29:2, knowing that He is in control.  He forgives me when I am unthankful. He puts a new song in my heart so I can live my life with a thankful spirit and in joy. Let us start today on the path of ThanksLiving. 
Every day, on a piece of paper and in my journal, I write something I am thankful for. Then I fold the paper and add it to my joy jar. I can always think of more than one thing to be thankful for every day. The best way to find joy in life is to look for the good in every day and live with an attitude of gratitude. Don’t save it for just the Thanksgiving season. Take time to be thankful every day. That is real ThanksLiving.

2 thoughts on “Sometimes it's hard to be thankful . . .”

    • Thank you so much for taking time to read my rambling thoughts, Ron. I’ve seen My Team Triumph on TV a couple times this past year. I always gives me a good feeling to know it’s still out there making an impact on families and making a difference in our communities.


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