It's Monday …

It’s Monday everybody!  What does that mean to you? Are you the one who bounds out of bed and greets the day with “Good morning, Lord!” or are you more inclined to “Good Lord, it’s morning!” Well guess what, my friends – either way it’s morning. It’s a new day, and yes, that was a weekend that just flashed by. It’s Monday, new work week for most of us, but a new week for everyone no matter what.

It’s true of every day, but especially for Mondays I need an extra dose of enthusiasm – a little more to prime the pump,  a stronger resolve to get rolling.  I’m a morning person and love to fritter away time in all sorts of distractions that have nothing to do with being on the right track.  So now you know why my opportunity clock is set for 4:00 am — it’s the only way I can find my way through the beginning of the day.

Last night as I was thinking over the events of the weekend a few people came to my mind and I envisioned each person’s name on a card, in an envelope with a stamp. This morning, on my way to work there will be a drive-by at the post office when the cards get dropped there for delivery.  I trust the USPS to read the addresses I wrote and deliver the message to the right address and the intended person.

I’ve been reading a lot about trust lately. I’m sure you have too.  If not reading about trust, you’ve heard about it; or the lack of it.  From the time we are children we are taught the importance of being trustworthy, telling the truth, and being honest.  Even before we knew the meaning of the word, we learned that above all our lifelong goal is that we be persons of integrity.  Trust is a factor in everything we do, isn’t it? While driving your car, you trust other drivers to stay in their own lane, you trust yourself to stop at red lights, and you trust your car to start and keep running between destinations.  When you arrive at work, you expect the building to be standing and the work you left on Friday will be waiting for you today. We are free to move about the planet – we trust that we can do this freely and without fear.

I know that isn’t always the case.  We do have many things that we fear; situations on the horizon that we know are coming and we dread the moments. We need to pray; pray; pray.  Our trust gets shaken in our fears. Remember 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” When you go out your door today, or even if you don’t leave the room you’re in right now, here’s where you can place your trust.  Proverbs 3:5-6 tell us “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

We all know that, but let’s back up a little bit to Proverbs 3:3-4  “Let love and faithfulness never leave you;  bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.”

Good morning, world. Let’s put ourselves in better hands.

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Refining Grace