Wake up to the light!

When I woke up this morning it was dark. In fact, as I write this at 9:30 am, it seems like the sun has forgotten how to shine today. I know what many of you are thinking right now. Like “why would the sun shine? This is just a dark day all over – and it started in Washington!” Whoa! I’m not joining any political debate and I’m not taking sides except to say that I am not placing my faith in this administration. I didn’t place my faith in the past administrations either. The political gods of this world are defective humans, they like 100% of the people on planet Earth are flawed, deficient, and no matter how hard they try they will never be perfect. The only faith I have is totally in the true God of the universe who is in complete control and completely capable. (Job 37)
Do you feel like this is a dark day for America? Maybe you think it’s a dark day for the world. The world is a dark place, even on the best of days. What are you going to do about it?
Just for a moment – not even a full minute, ok? Look around you and drink in the things that surround your life. Are you warm? Do you have a home? Is there transportation outside your door? Do you have an income? Are your kids in a good school? Are you safe? Can you receive medical attention when you need it? If you’re watching TV or if you’re reading this, you have electricity and technology that’s convenient and always on, right? Have you a collection of friends available by phone, email, social media, or close enough to visit in person? How about family? You can start the day with lightness of heart if you start with a thankful spirit. Or you can stay in your dark world and wish things were different and worry about things that may never happen. We have this moment; this one moment. Don’t waste it in resentment and rage.
Do you feel like this is a dark day for America? Maybe you think it’s a dark day for the world. The world is a dark place, even on the best of days. There’s a reason for that. The enemy of your soul masquerades as an angel of light, (2 Corinthians 11:14) but there is no light there. It’s all gloom and doom. Your enemy wants you to be sad, depressed, debilitated and ineffective. You know that depression comes from anger turned inward, don’t you? We get fighting mad and war against ourselves (if only … I wish…) until we feel helpless and hopeless. It doesn’t have to be that way. When you get fighting mad, first – Know your enemy. There’s a verse in Ephesians that describes the real enemy, and it is not the president. “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 The enemy of your soul wants you to be miserable.
Now you might make all kinds of assumptions about our politicians and yes, they are living in the dark just like the whole world population. Our political system has always been broken. But we don’t give up, throw a tarp over our heads and let the darkness overtake us. Nothing good ever came from inertia. Inertia is complete resistance to change and obstinacy to movement. In other words – no life, no action, no movement toward something better. Look for the good, the joy, the light.    be-the-lignt
There is one remedy for darkness that pervades the Earth. There is one forever light. Jesus spoke in John 8:12 saying, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” It takes a lot of courage to let go of that which we can’t control. We can’t control the events of today, but we can control our attitudes toward them. We can vow to get involved and effect change (respectfully, honorably, peacefully, knowledgably, wisely) without anger, hate, and hostility. The world is dark, but we can walk in the light. We can follow Jesus who is the light of the world. We can act with love, compassion, and forgiveness while our eyes adjust to the light and we see things in a new way.
There’s enough darkness in the world. Be different. Reflect the light of the world. Be a light where it is dark.

2 thoughts on “Wake up to the light!”

    • Thank you Susan. I have escaped all the negativity on socal media until today. I don’t feed the political dragon but I decided to say something about who is really in control. God chose and he will continue to choose. The world is not going to suddenly implode. If activists still want to act, they still have the freedom to do that. I’m having a hard time figuring out why the attitudes are so defeatist and doomsday. God is still God. He gets to decide do we might as well turn our fears over to him.


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