Sleep on it! Who said that?

In the morning during my quiet time, just me and God, I write out at least one verse that spoke to me. Sometimes I write a story around them, other times I just tuck the verses into my stack of index cards to read again in the future. Today I chose Psalm 16:7. “I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.” Psalm 16 7
Have you ever had a perplexing situation that needed to be resolved but no answers came to you? Maybe, like me, you thought so hard on a subject you got brain cramps. I know. Right? Talking it over with someone else might help, but the problem is still yours.
“Why don’t you sleep on it?”, your well-meaning friend says. “That’s a great idea,” you respond, all the while thinking, “Like that’s going to work. Not!” But you have to sleep and you take your thoughts with you into slumber, so why not give it a try. Pray it all out to God. He already knows every detail, but you don’t. When you pray, you are able to acknowledge and recognize the details.
Before you sleep, talk to your holy father in heaven who listens to his children. John 9:31 says, “He listens to the godly person who does his will.”
As it turns out, your friend who said, “Sleep on it” is right. The Bible says, God counsels us even when we sleep. I’m not making this up. I read the verse in Psalm 16:7. It’s morning as I write this and it’s likely morning as you read it, but here’s a thought if you’re struggling with a decision, burdened by feelings, or confused by circumstances, I hope you don’t have to wait till night time for relief, but when night time comes . . .
Remember that God is on call 24/7, morning, noon, night. He never sleeps. As someone said, “When you can’t sleep, talk to God. He’s up all night anyway.” Then we have this added benefit: Even at night we are learning when we’ve been counseled by God.

2 thoughts on “Sleep on it! Who said that?”

  1. Jane, That is exactly what I did last week. I was so undecided and troubled with a decision. That action followed me to bed that night; Sleeping restless and constantly waking up. I finally prayed and asked the Lord to show me what I was supposed to do. I immediately fell asleep and slept soundly for hours and upon waking I knew the answer was to go ahead with my project. Thanks Jane for your writing. I enjoy your daily posts and so often they are just what I need to hear.

    • Connie, thank you for reading my posts. I love having you for my sister. 🙂 Isn’t that awesome the way God’s spirit feeds us even when we are asleep? That verse has been in the Bible since the beginning and I’ve read through Psalms several times over the years but never really noticed that verse before. Now that you are proceeding with your project, I will pray that it goes smoothly and you love the results when you’re done. enJOY this day!


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