enJOY the gift of today

This post isn’t Advent related, but after the crushing news of another shooting in California, I decided to take another path today. All I could do was pray for the victims and loved ones left behind. Let us never become so accustomed to these tragedies that we are desensitized to the consequences. How was your … Read more

Are there any answers?

Thousands of people woke up sadder today than they did yesterday. The tragedy at the finish line of the Boston Marathon shocked our nation once again and we are all reeling with agitated and screaming emotions. There will be plenty of speculation, “It happened because …” and plenty of blame, “Security was inadequate and it’s … Read more

Life is tough – Pray hard

Today writing is difficult. I admit the tragedy in Connecticut yesterday is suffocating my ability to just move on, like it doesn’t affect me. The massacre of children and adults, in a community like ours isn’t an insignificant circumstance that hits the news today and fades into obsolescence tomorrow like the ending of a bad … Read more

Refining Grace