Every strand makes a difference

A few days ago, I asked, “Ever have a day when everything went right?” And of course we all agreed, that hardly ever happens. So we get infatuated with the days when things settle down to a productive hum. I was in that zone awhile back, a feeling all sorts of confident, I tackled some … Read more

Being Different

Butterflies and sunshine … imagine blue sky stained with airbrushed clouds, lightly wafting wind, sparkles of light flecking ripples of waves as they dash toward shore, green lush carpets of grass, sun glinting off softly rustling leaves.  Imagine … Remember. Painted memory pictures of kind words spoken, received, heard and returned over and over. There … Read more

The attitude of difference

Day by day, and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials here … If you don’t recognize those leading words to an old hymn, don’t worry.  It was written in 1865 by Karolina Sandell-Berg – ancient history, but read the words again. The next line continues “Trusting in my Father’s wise … Read more