From Crisis to Calling: Finding Your Moral Center in the Toughest Decisions – Book Summary

As I sat down to write about this book, From Crisis to Calling: Finding your Moral Center in the Toughest Decisions by Sasha Chanoff and David Chanoff, an online article in the Huff Post grabbed my attention proclaiming Afghan Refugee Crisis Worsens. It seems the news is dominated by more and more crises related to refugees … Read more

Plan A … B … or Plan H – Life is about how you handle the setbacks

I recently read this inscription on a card created by Blue Mountain Arts.  “Life is all about how you handle Plan B”  How many times in a week do we say “Well that didn’t work!” and have to move on to the next idea – Plan B or maybe Plan C or H.  I’m thinking … Read more

Out of the Question: How Curious Leaders Win – book summary

This book, Out of the Question: How Curious Leaders Win seemed tailor made for me. I’m a question asker, note taker, contemplative listener, and a life-long learner. The authors Guy Parsons and Allan Milham wrote this book for leaders who need to engage with their teams and improve results through optimal interactions. From leadership styles … Read more

What happens at the end of Total Bliss?

When you’re reading a book and turn the last page, are you like me and think, “Oh good. That book is finished, now on to the next one?” I turned the last page in the devotional I’ve been studying this past month and thought, “No! How can this be the end? I thought I had … Read more

Every strand makes a difference

A few days ago, I asked, “Ever have a day when everything went right?” And of course we all agreed, that hardly ever happens. So we get infatuated with the days when things settle down to a productive hum. I was in that zone awhile back, a feeling all sorts of confident, I tackled some … Read more

I'm glad God doesn't have mood swings

Before you read let me say I hope what your read here today is not at all like what you experienced yesterday or will experience today. Instead I hope your day is peaceful and that every conversation has an element of kindness. I pray that everyone who reads finds something to be joyful about today. There is … Read more

Construction …. The End

I am now officially weary of our construction project. Superman has nothing on me because I’ve become an expert at jumping over hurdles with a single bound. Have you ever felt like this? Running behind on everything, half done tasks, watered down commitments, little mountains of clutter everywhere, turbulence! Blame it on the upheaval of … Read more

What's your product?

What’s your product? Maybe it’s because I have been a writer by some vague definition for so many years, or maybe it’s because I’m a self-diagnosed information junkie, but no matter the reason – my email inbox is flooded with opportunities. There’s a steady stream of opportunities for me to purchase a product that will … Read more


When I was a little kid, I hated to hear my mom say “I doubt it”. That always meant I wasn’t going to get something I wanted.  As I contemplated the passing week, I realized, I’m still not a fan of that word. Doubt leaves some gaping holes in my armor. Misunderstandings that make me doubt my value … Read more