Today I am thankful for smiles

I’m taking a few days away from social media to spend time with my family. Well …. let me rephrase that. I am only on social media when there are no family members present. As they sleep, I use these moments with friends. I see you lighting up the day over there where you are. Keep shining – everyone you meet will see the glow from within.
A few weeks ago while attending a small event I smiled when being introduced to a man I’d never met. He thanked me for smiling. What?!?! My face must have looked perplexed because he quickly explained that he’s constantly on the go and meets people every day. It’s rare that anyone smiles when he greets them. That made me think. Do I smile when I see people?20141125_121650-1
I think my grandma told me when I was 6 or 7 years old that smiles are free and if you see someone without a smile, share yours. I’ve had a lot of years (a LOT of years) to practice what I learned way back then.
Proverbs 15:13 in the Message it says “A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day.” Yes, I noticed how this says it takes a cheerful heart to smile and we might not feel all that cheerful. In fact we might identify more with the second part of the verse. We might be sad.
We can fix that in two steps.
1) Change our thoughts – Philippians 4:8 “Keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don’t ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise.” Clear your mind of anything negative. If a negative thought return – 5 second rule – Let no negative thought contaminate your mind for longer than 5 seconds — just don’t! Change your thoughts, transform your mindset.
2) Do something for someone else. Psalm 112:4 gives us a hint of how we can affect someone else’s life by being kind. “They will be so kind and merciful and good, that they will be a light in the dark for others who do the right thing.” Keep it simple. Remember smiles are free and acts of kindness can be too. It’s when the room is darkest that the tiniest light illuminates.
November 28: Today I am thankful for smiles.Christmas 2012

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Refining Grace