The World's Healthiest Foods, 2nd Edition by George Mateljan – book review

The debate never ends, does it, about foods that are good for your body, others you should avoid and those which should never pass through your lips. I picked up this book, or should I say hefted it from the table, and was immediately impressed. I had read that this is the second edition of the original book and that it contained over 300 new recipes but the majority of the 1060 pages are devoted to educating readers on food. How to cook it is just part of the package.
Mateljan’s philosophy says to earn the label “World’s Healthiest Foods” it must measure up to these criterion. Whole foods: complete with all their natural endowment of nutrients. Nutrient-rich foods: research-demonstrated benefits such as preventing chronic disorders. Familiar foods: common, recognizable that most people know about. Readily available foods: nutritious foods found at the local market. Affordable foods: seasonal, purchased locally. Foods that taste good: vibrant, pleasing taste, enjoyable to eat.
Read the full review here:
Over 1000 pages of this book cover these aspects of food.
Part 1: Benefits of the World’s Healthiest Foods
Part 2: The healthiest Way of Eating Plan – Smart Menu
Part 3: Nutrient-Rich Way of Cooking
Part 4: World’s Healthiest Foods
Part 5: Health-Protective Nutrients from the World’s Healthiest Foods
Finally, how did George Mateljan do his research? Where does he keep his research of The World’s Healthiest Foods updated? What do readers and consumers have to say about the quality and value of information in this book and on the author’s website? Find those answers and more in his book.
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4 thoughts on “The World's Healthiest Foods, 2nd Edition by George Mateljan – book review”

  1. I own the first edition and I find it very useful and informative. However, I know that I have found a few aspects that go against what I know to be. I’m considering buying this second edition in hopes that I’ll find some corrections to the errors I found in the first.


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