Advent Week 3 Theme: Joy – The First Time Jesus Acted Out

Have you ever been so happy, it was hard to breathe? I think the aging process sometimes dilutes the intensity of the happiness factor, but for this one moment go back and grab some memories of can’t-sleep-can’t speak-excitement. Imagine the emotion blinging from the walls, floor and ceiling of Elizabeth and Zechariah’s home. Elizabeth was … Read more

Advent Week 3 Theme: Joy – Unspeakable Joy! Literally unspeakable.

What I love most about the Advent scripture today is that it talks about reconciliation, peace, and waiting on the Lord. But it also reminds us to recognize the power of God to do the impossible. We have to believe He who has all power to do great things, uses people who have unremarkable lives, … Read more

Advent Week 3 Theme: Joy – And so begins the story of where JOY comes from…

When I was a little kid you could ask me anytime of the year and I would tell you my favorite scripture in the Bible was Luke 2. You know. Luke 2 where the traditional Christmas story is found. Imagine my shock last week when someone told me they don’t like the Christmas story. What?!?! … Read more

When God says the timing is right . . . and then it happens

We’ve been through two weeks of advent readings now.  I hope you’ve enjoyed the tour so far. One thing that’s caught my attention over the last 14 days is the travel back and forth between the Old Testament and the New Testament and making connections between what was promised and what was fulfilled. Did any … Read more

Advent Theme: Hope – When it's dark, there's something about the light.

There’s something about light. Imagine a world where there was nothing but darkness all the time. Imagine weeks of cloudy, dreary days. Imagine days when we spend more hours in the dark than we do in the light. Some of us drive to work in the dark and on the way home – yep! It’s … Read more

Advent Theme: Hope for the world, the Ultimate Peacemaker

I have always been and always will be a cheerleader for the underdog. Here’s what I love about the Advent scripture for today. Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, Micah said a  small,   insignificant town (Bethlehem) would produce a king (Jesus). Although born to a carpenter, Jesus was the true Messiah (King). Most … Read more

Advent Theme: Hope – what the world needs now

Here’s something you might not know. According to Fisher Ames (1800) “Politics is the science of good sense, applied to public affairs”. Nice try, but probably not accurate even in the 1800s. Hello, reality! Politics has existed for thousands of years.  Having a conundrum of platforms and views to consider is nothing new, nor is … Read more

Advent Theme: Hope – What are you waiting for?

Have you ever been hiking in the woods and noticed something that seems strange? Like a tiny branch growing up through a dead stump or a tree in the middle of a rock.  Today’s advent reading has meaningful applications for our lives today, just as it did when it was written around 700 BC.  The … Read more

Refining Grace