Access Happy

A few days ago, I heard a song I hadn’t heard since Bush was President. I was soon smiling on the outside and skipping on the inside. “Happy”

A few minutes later, another song reminded me, “Don’t worry. Be happy.”

Is there a message here?

I didn’t get the worry gene and, believe me, I have thanked God many times that he bypassed me with that one! But here’s a confession. Reading the news, listening to the talk, watching clips of current events on instant repeat, and S.o.c.i.a.l. M.e.d.i.a all plant microscopic worry seeds in my mind.

What happens to nurtured seeds?They grow.

My husband bookends his days with the news and sandwiches in an extra dose at noon. (insert rolled eyes) I have access to the intersecting views of world events and diverse agendas that create the perfect storm of conflicting opinions.

It’s important to be informed, but there is no value in fueling uncertainty of what happens next, fear of the unknown, and dread of the future, unless you prefer to live without hope.

There is no happy when there is no hope.

Incessant retelling of what should be, what to believe, and what is wrong with the world grows microscopic worry seeds the size of jackfruit, and it creates the perfect environment for unrest and worry.

I can choose a steady stream of life in the minor key or I can play the music of hope and joy into my soul. I can access happy through good things, good thoughts, good experiences, and good news, just like I can access the negative.

About 12 years ago, I started choosing a word for the year and 5 years ago I began choosing a scripture verse. This year my word is steadfast. My verse is Philippians 4:8-9 Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things. Do what you have learned … and the God of peace will be with you.

Is there a message here? I choose happy, and to fill my mind with so much of what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, morally excellent, and praiseworthy, there is no room for worry seeds to germinate.

One thing I know for sure and maybe you believe it too. Stop worrying! It is not serving you.

Don’t worry. Be happy.

8 thoughts on “Access Happy”

  1. I think that the news is boring,
    but folks watch it every day;
    wonder why they are enduring
    what the pundits have to say
    when they could be out in snow
    (or in Miami, on the beach),
    ’cause in our deepest hearts we know
    our effect is out of reach
    ‘cept for voting in elections,
    and in caring what we say;
    votes and words can set directions
    that will bring a brighter day
    than anxiety, hand-wringing…
    let us change the world by singing!

    • And the news is heartbreaking. You’re right. Except for voting against things that are not right, speaking up for what is right and keeping our own consciences clear we can do very little. Life is tough. Pray hard.

  2. I was thinking of Philippians 4:8 as I read your post. It is a wonderful tool to get our thoughts on a positive, uplifting track. But I do agree with you, it’s important to stay informed (disheartening as it can be) so we can contact our representatives when necessary and vote wisely.


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